In a surprising turn of events, the popular game show, Deal Or No Deal, which was cancelled by Channel 4 back in 2016, is now set to make a comeback on UK screens, this time on ITV. The show, which was famous for its distinctive red boxes and cash prizes ranging from a measly 1p to a whopping £250,000, will be hosted by none other than the multi-talented Stephen Mulhern, who also hosts other popular shows like Saturday Night Takeaway and Catchphrase.

In an interview, Stephen Mulhern expressed his excitement for the show’s revival, stating that he’s been diligently practicing at home with small cereal boxes. According to him, the show’s simplicity is what makes it incredibly compelling for both the players and the viewers alike. It’s no wonder why Deal Or No Deal has a loyal fanbase, even years after its cancellation.

For those who are interested in participating in the show, contestants can now apply on the show’s website, with the deadline set for May 12, 2023. The application process is straightforward, and anyone can apply, provided they meet the eligibility criteria.

Despite moving to a new channel and having a new host, the show will still feature the iconic 22 boxes with varying amounts of money. The banker will also make a return and attempt to tempt the contestants into accepting cash exchanges for what might be in the box. ITV’s head of entertainment commissioning, Katie Rawcliffe, expressed her delight at having such an iconic format joining the ITV family.

In a statement released by Remarkable Entertainment’s joint managing director, Tamara Gilder, she expressed her excitement for the show’s return, stating that it’s an iconic format, but now on a new channel with a fantastic new host. While there will be a new banker, Gilder warned that they are even more deplorable than the last one. Only time will tell how the new banker will fare against the contestants.

In conclusion, the return of Deal Or No Deal has generated a lot of buzz among its fans, and it’s no wonder why. With a new channel, a new host, and even a new banker, the show promises to be as exciting and nail-biting as ever. So, if you’re looking for some good old-fashioned game show entertainment, be sure to tune in to the revival of Deal Or No Deal on ITV.

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